1. Read Information about the service and about Newera Energy
Start by carefully reading through the job advertisement and the information about the position as project manager in the advertisement and on our website.
2. Prepare your CV
Update your CV to reflect your experience and skills relevant to the project manager role.
3.Record your video
Record a short video with your phone or laptop (equivalent), maximum 10 minutes, where you answer the three questions we have listed below. Make sure your video is clear, concise. Please give a personal picture of yourself as an introduction. Please check that the audio in the video is working before submitting.
4. Submit the application
Submit your updated resume in an email with your name and contact information. Send your application to joinus@neweraenergy.se.
5.Upload your video
Upload your video by pressing the button below and drag and drop alt select file
6. Observe deadlines
Remember to submit your application no later than the stated application deadline, February 15, 2024.
7. Wait for a response
After you submit your application, we will review all applications and get back to you with further information about the recruitment process.
If you have problems with links or emails, please contact info@neweraenergy.se